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Auster Heritage - Associated with The International Auster Club

A write up of the Plaque unveiling can be viewed here.

A new book containing the specs of the B9 helicopter has been added to the books section - February 2013.

All the project 2000 audio interviews have now been transcribed.

Click here for information following the 2012 AGM.

The International Auster Club Heritage was formed in 2000, it was the vehicle for an application to the lottery fund to allow the group to produce an oral history of the company by interviewing the people who designed, made and flew Auster’s during the life of the Company.

This web site contains most of the material obtained during the course of the project. It contains the audio recordings and in most cases the synopses of the whole interviews. During the project a large number of photographs were collected these are also included in a searchable album.

A number of production lists have been generated over the years we have included the most complete we can find, together with reference to other sites with slightly different material. Again this list is searchable by construction number or registration.

During the life of the Taylorcraft, Auster and latterly Beagle companies the all produced frequent magazines. These have been included under suitable headings. (Some new mags added to the Auster section - Nov 2011)

Finally a small selection of type specific videos has been included.

Please feel free to use any of this material, provided it is accredited to the Auster Heritage.

The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss! - Douglas Adams

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Page last modified: 3rd November 2021 03:04:43